
Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit 2023

Our April Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit in Bergen brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, academics, policymakers, venture capitalists, and thought leaders from the ocean industry.

April 16, 2023 6:00 PM
Bergen, Norway
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Our goal is to translate knowledge into practical solutions for the sustainable ocean community. As we continue our mission, we now look forward to the 2025 summit in San Francisco. But before that, there is more knowledge to share and insights to explore. Join our Sustainable Ocean Solutions community.


Dr. Sylvia Earle

Dr. Sylvia Earle

Oceanographer and explorer
Peter de Menocal

Peter de Menocal

President and Director
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jen Lee Koss

Jen Lee Koss

Founding Partner
Springbank Collective
Penelope Lea

Penelope Lea

climate activist
UNICEF ambassador
UNICEF ambassador, climate activist, and former leader of the Children's Climate Panel. Author of (IHV)
Brad Ack

Brad Ack

Chief Executive
Ocean Visions
Ingrid Dynna

Ingrid Dynna

Co-founder & CEO
Norwegian Mycelium (NoMy)
Celestine Schnugg

Celestine Schnugg

General Partner
Boom Capital
Dorothy Dankel

Dorothy Dankel

Senior Research Scientist
Espen Barth Eide

Espen Barth Eide

Government minister
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Gaia Felber-Broekaert

Gaia Felber-Broekaert

Head of strategy, Ocean Action Agenda
World Economic Forum
Hilde Holdhus

Hilde Holdhus

Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson

Kikki Flesche Kleiven

Kikki Flesche Kleiven

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Karen O'Brien

Karen O'Brien

Øyvind Paasche

Øyvind Paasche

Head of Climate Dynamics Department
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Robin Dale Oen

Robin Dale Oen

Founder & CEO
The Dale Oen Experience/Dale Oen Academy
Ross Brooks

Ross Brooks

General Partner
Katapult Ocean
Shally Shanker

Shally Shanker

Founder & Managing Partner
AiiM Partners
Tanja Hoel

Tanja Hoel

Hatch Blue Norway & Hatch Innovation Services
Aida Omerovic

Aida Omerovic

Research Manager – Cyber Security
Alessio Gomiero

Alessio Gomiero

Senior Research Scientist
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Arild Johannesen

Arild Johannesen

Sr. Business developer
NORCE Innovation AS
Haakon Vatle

Haakon Vatle

CEO / Expedition leader
The One Ocean Expedition
Helene Langehaug

Helene Langehaug

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Iselin Medhaug

Iselin Medhaug

Research Director Forecasting Engine
Jarle Dragvik

Jarle Dragvik

Board Member
Gas 2 Feed AS
Kim Scherrer

Kim Scherrer

University of Bergen
Martin Fernø

Martin Fernø

University of Bergen
Nina Liland

Nina Liland

Head of Research
The Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Øivind Bergh

Øivind Bergh

The Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Tore Hagtun

Tore Hagtun

CEO & Co-founder
Ute Brönner

Ute Brönner

Research Scientist Ocean Observations and Ecosystems


Sunday 16th

Seafood buffet & cocktails at Frescohallen

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  • Host: Johan Odvar Odfjell og Kristin Odfjell at Farvatn Venture and Ingrid Maurstad at Katapult Ocean
  • Speakers: Haakon Vatle at One Ocean Expedition, Petter Snare at KODE and Lars Petter Hagen at Bergen International Festival
  • Entertainment: Sigrid Terese Moldestad, Hardanger fiddle

Monday 17th

Keynotes, fireside chats, talkshow & workshops

8.30 AM – 5 PM

  • “From knowledge to action”
  • “Navigating the future”

8:30 AM - 8:50 AM: Concert and Opening Remarks

  • Concert: Louise Engeseth & Marie Kortner, The Bergen International Festival
  • Opening Remarks: Jen Lee Koss, Springbank Collective

8:50 AM - 9:40 AM: Keynote speakers

  • Dr. Sylvia Earle
  • Penelope Lea, Norwegian climate activist and UNICEF ambassador
  • Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Brad Ack, Ocean Visions

9:50 AM - 10.05 AM: Fireside chat

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

  • Dr. Sylvia Earle
  • Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Brad Ack, Ocean Visions

10:20 AM - 10:45 AM: Panel

”An Innovators perspective - Solving for hard problems”

  • Moderator: Ingrid Dynna, Co-founder & CEO at NoMy
  • Jason Thompson, Oceankind & special guest

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM:

Speed introduction to each theme

  • Harvesting: Tanja Knabenschuv Hoel, Hatch Blue
  • Energy: Ross Brooks, Katapult Ocean
  • Transport: Hilde Holdhus, Sarsia Seed
  • Ocean Health: Øyvind Paasche, NORCE
  • New Frontiers: Gaia Felber-Broekaert, World Economic Forum

Introductions to workshops: "Navigating the Future"

  • Karen O'Brien, cChange
  • Dorothy Dankel, SINTEF Ocean

12:45 PM - 2:45 PM: Workshops

“From knowledge to action.”


  • Harvesting: Dorothy Dankel, SINTEF Ocean and University of Bergen
  • Energy: Agnes Tvinnereim, VILL and Elise Sæle Dahle, NCE Heidner Biocluster
  • Transport: Irmelin Gram-Hanssen, Western Norway Research Institute
  • New Frontiers: Karen O´Brien, University of Oslo and cCHANGE
  • Ocean Health: Teresia Aarskog, cCHANGE

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM: Break

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Talkshow and key takeaways

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

Interview with a representative from each group. Key takeaways from the workshops. Wrap up the event with a reflection on what was learned and the next steps for taking action.

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM: Fireside chat

  • Kikki Kleiven, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen
  • Penelope Lea, Norwegian climate activist and UNICEF ambassador
  • Espen Barth Eide, Government minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment

4:45 PM - 5 PM Closing Remarks

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

  • Celestine Schnugg, Boom Capital
  • Shally Shanker, Aiim Partners

Teaser from Christopher Haatuft about the fjord experience and Robin Dale Oen at Dale Oen Experience about the expedition & ocean activities at Herdla

Fjord experience - Visions of the Fjord

6.30 PM – 9 PM

Vision of The Fjords is the worlds first electric hybrid passenger vessel, made of carbon. It is built specifically for sightseeing in the Norwegian fjords. The boat was awarded Ship of the Year in 2016.
  • Seafood dinner by the Punk-Chef Godfather of Neo-Fjordic Cuisine, Christopher Haatuft
  • Entertainment: Arita Akre, an award-winning cider producer from Hardanger in Norway

Christopher Haatuft
Arita Akre

Tuesday 18th

Expedition & ocean activities

8.30 AM – 5 PM

Fjord safari to "Northern Lights - Carbon capture centre"

CO2 receiving terminal in the municipality of Øygarden in western Norway. The facilities are under construction and will be ready for operations in 2024
The World’s first full-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facilities.

Showcasing technology and research

  • Institute of Marine Research
    "Feed and nutrition" Nina Liland, Head of Research/ Research Manager
  • Institute of Marine Research
    "Combining Energy and Harvesting", Øivind Bergh
  • Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
    "Climate Futures" Iselin Medhaug & Tore Norheim Hagtun
  • Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
  • "Climate Forecast" Helene Langehaug – Climate Prediction
    "Converting CO2 to food" Arild Johannessen & Jarle Dragvik
    "Tracing micro plastics" Alessio Gomiero
  • The University of Bergen
    "How can fisheries contribute more to a sustainable future?" Kim Scherrer
  • The University of Bergen
    "CO2 storage" Martin Fernø
  • SINTEF Digital
    Aida Omerovic
  • SINTEF Ocean
    Ute Brönner

Team-building activities at The Dale Oen Experience

  • Free-diving/snorkling

With a diving mask and snorkle you can experience the magical underwater world outside Herdla. Average sea temperature this time of year is 7°C (45°F), so we will equip you with a full neoprene kit. Enjoy a refreshing time below the surface.

  • Fjord safari

As a part of the trip to Northern Lights Carbon Capture Center, you will explore the fjords surrounding Herdla. This has always been vital for people and wildlife in the area. We will explore the nature reserve with surrounding islets, beaches and wildlife. If we are lucky we may spot a whale or a sea eagle.

  • Historical walk

The moraine island Herdla has an impressing history. It is an old Viking site, and was an important German base during World War II. The island also houses the richest and most important birdlife in the region. On this walking tour you can learn and explore this exciting island, and maybe pet the local goats.

  • Climbing

Never tried rockclimbing, or are you a skilled climber? We got you covered. We have a 32 feet high climbing tower and pre-bolted routes on real Herdla rock. We will also make a campfire, where you can recover, and maybe take a photo of others climbing the route that you just «topped out»

  • Kayaking

On a guided tour around the coast of Herdla, you can discover the beautiful nature and the uniqe local bird life from sea sight. We have both closed decks and sit-on-top kayaks. No skills needed, but be prepared to get wet.

  • Sea food Experience

World class chefs will give you a taste of what the cold and clear ocean outside the western part of Norway has to offer. Maybe the free diving group can bring some scallops and crabs for the grill?
The very definiton of local food.

  • Beach cleaning

Plastic in the ocean is a huge problem globally. Unfortunately, today we release more plastic into the sea then we can clean up. Lets take a walk down to the beach, discuss possible solutions and how this affects the costline all around the world. What will we find at the local Herdla beach?

Tuesday 18th

5.30 PM – 9 PM

Startup Pitches and dinner at Bergen Aquarium

XTC launched its inaugural XTC Marine Tech Startup Innovation Challenge at the Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit during One Ocean Conference in Bergen, Norway.

These exceptional tech for good startups will take to the stage in Bergen, Norway at the Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit on April 18, in collaboration with Katapult Ocean, Innovation Norway, FARVATN and NCE Seafood Innovation.

Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC) is the world’s largest ecosystem and competition for purpose-driven technology inspired by the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year’s conference will focus on 3 missions: Green transition and new thinking in shipping, New energy solutions for the future, and Sustainable seafood proteins to meet global food demand. The Conference will bring together industry leaders, politicians, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and students – to discover, connect, and collaborate on how we together can find solutions for more sustainable use of ocean resources.


🇮🇹 Ittinsect – Feed for theOcean Ittinsect is the biotech startup that developed the sustainable alternative to aquaculture feed. Ittinsect produces high performance feeds through the biotechnological treatment of novel raw ingredients.

🇬🇧 SafetyNet TechnologiesSafetyNet Technologies’ primary goal is to design and build devices that increase the selectivity of commercial fishing practices.

🇩🇰 SundewSundew develop, manufacture and sell biotechnological products for treating or managing aquatic pests, parasites, diseases and invasive species.

🇸🇬 Vertical OceansVertical Oceans is the world’s first fully-autonomous, modular, stacked aquaculture system: we grow shrimps inside grow-out units, the iHABs (Intelligent Habitats), which require zero human intervention during grow-out.


🇨🇭 AELER TechnologiesAELER Technologies has created the world’s most advanced shipping container to meet TODAY’S business and environmental needs.

🇳🇴 KeelspotKeelspot will establish a digital marketplace for the coastal shipping market in real time. Users of the solution will get real-time access to available capacity and planned routes, and can directly order and make an agreement on cargo freight.

🇳🇱 VertoroVertoro converts biogenic residues like sawdust and bagasse into crude oil.


🇳🇱 12 TO ZERO Technology12 TO ZERO is developing the world’s 1st hydrogen specific wind turbine foundation; Hyfloat. As HyFloat houses hydrogen production and storage, it is the basis for a distributed deep-sea hydrogen production system.

🇮🇪 Gazelle Wind PowerGazelle Wind Power Limited was incorporated in December 2020 to accelerate the transition to renewable energies by introducing the next generation of advanced offshore wind platforms.

🇮🇳 TwinGrid LabsTwinGrid is developing Digital twin technology to digitalize Power Distribution Utilities.


🇪🇸 Fregata SpaceFregata Space offers solutions that combine Earth observation technologies (satellite images) and Machine Learning technology.

🇨🇭 RrreefsRrreefs regenerates degraded coral reefs with eco-engineered, modular reef systems that enable corals to settle and grow, creating resilient and self-sufficient marine ecosystems.

🇺🇸 Spira Inc.Spira’s innovation is in a CRISPR gene editing technique to create a novel, high-value, biobased, stable blue pigment.


🇳🇴 Clean Sea SolutionsClean Sea Solutions’ goal is effective comprehensive solutions to clean up plastic waste in areas close to land, to prevent and reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the open sea.

🇺🇸 Impossible Metals Inc.Builds underwater robotic vehicles to collect battery metals from the seabed without destroying the marine ecosystem.

🇳🇴 SyrennaSyrenna’s patent pending WaterDrones collect real-time data from the ocean surface, water column, and seabed, and are more cost-effective and easy to use than existing solutions.

The Judges


Angela Tay, Senior Investment Associate at AgFunder
Anthony Bellafiore, Investment Manager at Katapult Ocean
Fredrik Harloff, Chief Innovation Officer at GC Rieber
Ingrid Maurstad, Investment Manager, Katapult Ocean
Markus Böhm, Investment Manager at Planet Ocean Fund
Peter Bryant, Program Director Oceans at Builders Vision


Alexander Bergo, Director at Innovation Norway
Anders Vartdal, Ventures Analyst at Wilhelmsen Group
Angela Tay, Senior Investment Associate at AgFunder
Dennis Liu, Managing Director at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Simon Lancaster, Partner at Omni Venture Labs
Svein Ove Langeland, Investment Director at Momentum Partners


Adam De Sola Pool, Partner at Blue Angels Investment Group
Oliver Risse, Investment Partner at HHLA Next


Anthony Bellafiore, Investment Manager at Katapult Ocean
Peter Bryant, Program Director Oceans at Builders Vision
Ronald Tardiff, Acting Lead, Ocean Innovation at World Economic Forum
Sabrina Paseman, Partner at Omni Venture Labs


Dennis Liu, Managing Director at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Elisabeth Øvstebø, Investment Director/Co-Founder at Link Capital
Simon Lancaster, Partner at Omni Venture Labs


Sunday 16th

Seafood buffet & cocktails at Frescohallen

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

  • Host: Johan Odvar Odfjell og Kristin Odfjell at Farvatn Venture and Ingrid Maurstad at Katapult Ocean
  • Speakers: Haakon Vatle at One Ocean Expedition, Petter Snare at KODE and Lars Petter Hagen at Bergen International Festival
  • Entertainment: Sigrid Terese Moldestad, Hardanger fiddle

Monday 17th

Keynotes, fireside chats, talkshow & workshops

8.30 AM – 5 PM

  • “From knowledge to action”
  • “Navigating the future”

8:30 AM - 8:50 AM: Concert and Opening Remarks

  • Concert: Louise Engeseth & Marie Kortner, The Bergen International Festival
  • Opening Remarks: Jen Lee Koss, Springbank Collective

8:50 AM - 9:40 AM: Keynote speakers

  • Dr. Sylvia Earle
  • Penelope Lea, Norwegian climate activist and UNICEF ambassador
  • Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Brad Ack, Ocean Visions

9:50 AM - 10.05 AM: Fireside chat

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

  • Dr. Sylvia Earle
  • Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Brad Ack, Ocean Visions

10:20 AM - 10:45 AM: Panel

”An Innovators perspective - Solving for hard problems”

  • Moderator: Ingrid Dynna, Co-founder & CEO at NoMy
  • Jason Thompson, Oceankind & special guest

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM:

Speed introduction to each theme

  • Harvesting: Tanja Knabenschuv Hoel, Hatch Blue
  • Energy: Ross Brooks, Katapult Ocean
  • Transport: Hilde Holdhus, Sarsia Seed
  • Ocean Health: Øyvind Paasche, NORCE
  • New Frontiers: Gaia Felber-Broekaert, World Economic Forum

Introductions to workshops: "Navigating the Future"

  • Karen O'Brien, cChange
  • Dorothy Dankel, SINTEF Ocean

12:45 PM - 2:45 PM: Workshops

“From knowledge to action.”


  • Harvesting: Dorothy Dankel, SINTEF Ocean and University of Bergen
  • Energy: Agnes Tvinnereim, VILL and Elise Sæle Dahle, NCE Heidner Biocluster
  • Transport: Irmelin Gram-Hanssen, Western Norway Research Institute
  • New Frontiers: Karen O´Brien, University of Oslo and cCHANGE
  • Ocean Health: Teresia Aarskog, cCHANGE

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM: Break

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Talkshow and key takeaways

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

Interview with a representative from each group. Key takeaways from the workshops. Wrap up the event with a reflection on what was learned and the next steps for taking action.

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM: Fireside chat

  • Kikki Kleiven, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen
  • Penelope Lea, Norwegian climate activist and UNICEF ambassador
  • Espen Barth Eide, Government minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment

4:45 PM - 5 PM Closing Remarks

Moderator: Jen Lee Koss

  • Celestine Schnugg, Boom Capital
  • Shally Shanker, Aiim Partners

Teaser from Christopher Haatuft about the fjord experience and Robin Dale Oen at Dale Oen Experience about the expedition & ocean activities at Herdla

Fjord experience - Visions of the Fjord

6.30 PM – 9 PM

Vision of The Fjords is the worlds first electric hybrid passenger vessel, made of carbon. It is built specifically for sightseeing in the Norwegian fjords. The boat was awarded Ship of the Year in 2016.
  • Seafood dinner by the Punk-Chef Godfather of Neo-Fjordic Cuisine, Christopher Haatuft
  • Entertainment: Arita Akre, an award-winning cider producer from Hardanger in Norway

Christopher Haatuft
Arita Akre

Tuesday 18th

Expedition & ocean activities

8.30 AM – 5 PM

Fjord safari to "Northern Lights - Carbon capture centre"

CO2 receiving terminal in the municipality of Øygarden in western Norway. The facilities are under construction and will be ready for operations in 2024
The World’s first full-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facilities.

Showcasing technology and research

  • Institute of Marine Research
    "Feed and nutrition" Nina Liland, Head of Research/ Research Manager
  • Institute of Marine Research
    "Combining Energy and Harvesting", Øivind Bergh
  • Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
    "Climate Futures" Iselin Medhaug & Tore Norheim Hagtun
  • Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
  • "Climate Forecast" Helene Langehaug – Climate Prediction
    "Converting CO2 to food" Arild Johannessen & Jarle Dragvik
    "Tracing micro plastics" Alessio Gomiero
  • The University of Bergen
    "How can fisheries contribute more to a sustainable future?" Kim Scherrer
  • The University of Bergen
    "CO2 storage" Martin Fernø
  • SINTEF Digital
    Aida Omerovic
  • SINTEF Ocean
    Ute Brönner

Team-building activities at The Dale Oen Experience

  • Free-diving/snorkling

With a diving mask and snorkle you can experience the magical underwater world outside Herdla. Average sea temperature this time of year is 7°C (45°F), so we will equip you with a full neoprene kit. Enjoy a refreshing time below the surface.

  • Fjord safari

As a part of the trip to Northern Lights Carbon Capture Center, you will explore the fjords surrounding Herdla. This has always been vital for people and wildlife in the area. We will explore the nature reserve with surrounding islets, beaches and wildlife. If we are lucky we may spot a whale or a sea eagle.

  • Historical walk

The moraine island Herdla has an impressing history. It is an old Viking site, and was an important German base during World War II. The island also houses the richest and most important birdlife in the region. On this walking tour you can learn and explore this exciting island, and maybe pet the local goats.

  • Climbing

Never tried rockclimbing, or are you a skilled climber? We got you covered. We have a 32 feet high climbing tower and pre-bolted routes on real Herdla rock. We will also make a campfire, where you can recover, and maybe take a photo of others climbing the route that you just «topped out»

  • Kayaking

On a guided tour around the coast of Herdla, you can discover the beautiful nature and the uniqe local bird life from sea sight. We have both closed decks and sit-on-top kayaks. No skills needed, but be prepared to get wet.

  • Sea food Experience

World class chefs will give you a taste of what the cold and clear ocean outside the western part of Norway has to offer. Maybe the free diving group can bring some scallops and crabs for the grill?
The very definiton of local food.

  • Beach cleaning

Plastic in the ocean is a huge problem globally. Unfortunately, today we release more plastic into the sea then we can clean up. Lets take a walk down to the beach, discuss possible solutions and how this affects the costline all around the world. What will we find at the local Herdla beach?

Tuesday 18th

5.30 PM – 9 PM

Startup Pitches and dinner at Bergen Aquarium

XTC launched its inaugural XTC Marine Tech Startup Innovation Challenge at the Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit during One Ocean Conference in Bergen, Norway.

These exceptional tech for good startups will take to the stage in Bergen, Norway at the Sustainable Ocean Solutions Summit on April 18, in collaboration with Katapult Ocean, Innovation Norway, FARVATN and NCE Seafood Innovation.

Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC) is the world’s largest ecosystem and competition for purpose-driven technology inspired by the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year’s conference will focus on 3 missions: Green transition and new thinking in shipping, New energy solutions for the future, and Sustainable seafood proteins to meet global food demand. The Conference will bring together industry leaders, politicians, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and students – to discover, connect, and collaborate on how we together can find solutions for more sustainable use of ocean resources.


🇮🇹 Ittinsect – Feed for theOcean Ittinsect is the biotech startup that developed the sustainable alternative to aquaculture feed. Ittinsect produces high performance feeds through the biotechnological treatment of novel raw ingredients.

🇬🇧 SafetyNet TechnologiesSafetyNet Technologies’ primary goal is to design and build devices that increase the selectivity of commercial fishing practices.

🇩🇰 SundewSundew develop, manufacture and sell biotechnological products for treating or managing aquatic pests, parasites, diseases and invasive species.

🇸🇬 Vertical OceansVertical Oceans is the world’s first fully-autonomous, modular, stacked aquaculture system: we grow shrimps inside grow-out units, the iHABs (Intelligent Habitats), which require zero human intervention during grow-out.


🇨🇭 AELER TechnologiesAELER Technologies has created the world’s most advanced shipping container to meet TODAY’S business and environmental needs.

🇳🇴 KeelspotKeelspot will establish a digital marketplace for the coastal shipping market in real time. Users of the solution will get real-time access to available capacity and planned routes, and can directly order and make an agreement on cargo freight.

🇳🇱 VertoroVertoro converts biogenic residues like sawdust and bagasse into crude oil.


🇳🇱 12 TO ZERO Technology12 TO ZERO is developing the world’s 1st hydrogen specific wind turbine foundation; Hyfloat. As HyFloat houses hydrogen production and storage, it is the basis for a distributed deep-sea hydrogen production system.

🇮🇪 Gazelle Wind PowerGazelle Wind Power Limited was incorporated in December 2020 to accelerate the transition to renewable energies by introducing the next generation of advanced offshore wind platforms.

🇮🇳 TwinGrid LabsTwinGrid is developing Digital twin technology to digitalize Power Distribution Utilities.


🇪🇸 Fregata SpaceFregata Space offers solutions that combine Earth observation technologies (satellite images) and Machine Learning technology.

🇨🇭 RrreefsRrreefs regenerates degraded coral reefs with eco-engineered, modular reef systems that enable corals to settle and grow, creating resilient and self-sufficient marine ecosystems.

🇺🇸 Spira Inc.Spira’s innovation is in a CRISPR gene editing technique to create a novel, high-value, biobased, stable blue pigment.


🇳🇴 Clean Sea SolutionsClean Sea Solutions’ goal is effective comprehensive solutions to clean up plastic waste in areas close to land, to prevent and reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the open sea.

🇺🇸 Impossible Metals Inc.Builds underwater robotic vehicles to collect battery metals from the seabed without destroying the marine ecosystem.

🇳🇴 SyrennaSyrenna’s patent pending WaterDrones collect real-time data from the ocean surface, water column, and seabed, and are more cost-effective and easy to use than existing solutions.

The Judges


Angela Tay, Senior Investment Associate at AgFunder
Anthony Bellafiore, Investment Manager at Katapult Ocean
Fredrik Harloff, Chief Innovation Officer at GC Rieber
Ingrid Maurstad, Investment Manager, Katapult Ocean
Markus Böhm, Investment Manager at Planet Ocean Fund
Peter Bryant, Program Director Oceans at Builders Vision


Alexander Bergo, Director at Innovation Norway
Anders Vartdal, Ventures Analyst at Wilhelmsen Group
Angela Tay, Senior Investment Associate at AgFunder
Dennis Liu, Managing Director at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Simon Lancaster, Partner at Omni Venture Labs
Svein Ove Langeland, Investment Director at Momentum Partners


Adam De Sola Pool, Partner at Blue Angels Investment Group
Oliver Risse, Investment Partner at HHLA Next


Anthony Bellafiore, Investment Manager at Katapult Ocean
Peter Bryant, Program Director Oceans at Builders Vision
Ronald Tardiff, Acting Lead, Ocean Innovation at World Economic Forum
Sabrina Paseman, Partner at Omni Venture Labs


Dennis Liu, Managing Director at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Elisabeth Øvstebø, Investment Director/Co-Founder at Link Capital
Simon Lancaster, Partner at Omni Venture Labs

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